Abby Khou is a doctoral occupational therapy student in the graduating class of 2024 of the USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. She received her MA in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California in December 2023. She also holds a Master’s in English from Cal Poly Pomona which was conferred in 2013. She is currently the OTD resident for the USC Chan DREAmS Lab (Disparity Reduction and Equity in Autism Services). Her interests are in pediatric occupational therapy, sensory integration theory and intervention and advocating for early diagnosis and early intervention through research and OT practice. Abby is also the mother of a 6-year-old child diagnosed with ASD and is passionate about the inclusion and play participation of ASD children. Having discovered OT as an ASD parent first and foremost, she provides a unique perspective to research that includes both practitioner and family perspectives. Abby is a student worker for USC Chan Global Initiatives and recently attended the Inaugural World Occupational Science Conference in Vancouver, BC as one of the USC Chan delegates. She obtained her Sensory Processing/Sensory Integration Graduate Certificate from the University of Southern California. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her small family of three, (Dad, Mom and son Ethan) and three dogs.